.. _architecture-sdk-to-server: ## Architecture SDK to Server The following chart is automatically created by the version of the diagram on the branch master, see [source](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/konfuzio-sdk/blob/master/tests/SDK%20and%20Server%20Integration.drawio). If you hover over the image you can zoom or use the full page mode.
If you want to edit the diagramm, please refer to the [GitHub Drawio Documentation](https://drawio-app.com/github-support/). ## Directory Structure ``` ├── konfuzio-sdk <- SDK project name │ │ │ ├── docs <- Documentation to use konfuzio_sdk package in a project │ │ │ ├── konfuzio_sdk <- Source code of Konfuzio SDK │ │ ├── __init__.py <- Makes konfuzio_sdk a Python module │ │ ├── api.py <- Functions to interact with the Konfuzio Server │ │ ├── cli.py <- Command Line interface to the konfuzio_sdk package │ │ ├── data.py <- Functions to handle data from the API │ │ ├── evaluate.py <- Functions to evaluate the performance of the AIs │ │ ├── extras.py <- Classes to initialize AI-related dependencies safely | | ├── normalize.py <- Functions to normalize Spans according to data_type │ │ ├── regex.py <- Helper Functions to handle regex related tasks │ │ ├── samples.py <- Local sample test Project │ │ ├── settings_importer.py <- Meta settings loaded from the project │ │ ├── urls.py <- Endpoints of the Konfuzio host │ │ ├── utils.py <- Utils functions for the konfuzio_sdk package | | | │ | ├── trainer <- Trainer module to train AI models | | | ├── __init__.py <- Makes trainer a Python module | | | ├── base.py <- Base class for all AIs | | | ├── document_categorization.py <- AI for Document categorization | | | ├── information_extraction.py <- AI for Information extraction | | | ├── file_splitting.py <- AI for File splitting | | | ├── image.py <- Image processing helper functions | | | ├── tokenization.py <- Custom tokenization classes | | | │ | ├── tokenizer <- Tokenizer module to tokenize documents | | | ├── __init__.py <- Makes tokenizer a Python module | | | ├── base.py <- Base class for all Tokenizers | | | ├── paragraph_and_sentence.py <- Paragraph and Sentence Tokenizer | | | ├── regex.py <- Various Regex Tokenizers | | │ ├── tests <- Pytests: basic tests to test scripts based on a demo project │ │ │ ├── .gitignore <- Specify files untracked and ignored by git │ ├── README.md <- Readme to get to know konfuzio_sdk package │ ├── pytest.ini <- Configurations for pytests │ ├── settings.py <- Settings of SDK project │ ├── setup.cfg <- Setup configurations │ ├── setup.py <- Installation requirements ```