.. meta:: :description: Konfuzio Server Changlog to inform developers, partners and user about all notable changes. .. \_Server Changelog: # Changelog All notable changes in the Konfuzio Server will be documented according to the principles defined by [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/). The changelog adheres to [Calendar Versioning](https://calver.org/overview.html) and the release tag relates to the date and time when those changes have been released to app.konfuzio.com. Self-hosted Konfuzio Server can be upgraded according to the [documentation](https://dev.konfuzio.com/web/on_premises.html#upgrade). ## Planned You can think of the _Planned_ section as a _Roadmap_ that lists Konfuzio Server features our team is actively working on. This list covers a planning horizon of 12 weeks. - Delta Training, Partial Fit an exisiting classifier, so that training documents used previously can be deleted ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9251)). - Allow administrators of Konfuzio on-premise installations to run a speedtest ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9870)). - Start automatic AI retraining after User confirms that he has finished a annotation review ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9166)). - Add original file url in Document endpoint in the API: being able to download the original PDF ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11772)). ## Next release - estimated release date: 2nd May 2024 ## released-2024-04-18_20-18-02 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version [v.0.3.3](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/konfuzio-sdk/releases/tag/v.0.3.3) and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version [v.0.1.30](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/document-validation-ui/releases/tag/v0.1.30). ### Fixed - From the SDK: KeyError on annotation deletion ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12402)). ### Added - In the DVUI: URL parameters filtering/deeplink ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12393)). ## released-2024-04-09_08-05-05 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version [v.0.3.1](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/konfuzio-sdk/releases/tag/v.0.3.1) and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version [v.0.1.29](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/document-validation-ui/releases/tag/v0.1.29). ### Added - Make the Document details page accessible in the DVUI ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12399)). - Define the file type for files that the user can select at Document upload ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12369)). - Error message on unfilled Captcha at submiting the sign-up form ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12403)). ### Fixed - Superuser Document search takes too long ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12406)). ### Changed - Remove Categorization and Splitting AI sections from the Project settings for pretrained Projects ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12447)). - Refactor the design and text of error messages for the registration form ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12266)). - Adapt Server to the project's new structure ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12250)). ## released-2024-03-22_11-51-15 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.47 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.27. ### Fixed - Categorization AI not included in a snapshot ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12392)). ### Changed - The Original file instead of the Sandwich is used for uploading the Sample Document in a pretrained Project([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11777)). - The search in the Marketplace is performed also on the name of the Listing ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12361)). - Links for the Annotations in the Document List view redirect to the default Document Viewer, as set in the Project Settings ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12353)). - Supporting the Project's new file structure, coming from upgrading to API v3 ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12250)). ## released-2024-03-12_09-39-12 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.46 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.27. ### Added - Support for uploading PDFs with broken xref attribute ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11967)). - Show evaluations of the training Data Set for Extraction AIs ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12379)). ### Fixed - Missing character in the email address for sending Documents per email - using the email link in the Document View ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12366)). - In the DVUI: cannot add annotations with overlappig bounding boxes ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12373)). - In the DVUI: fix Annotation details tooltip height when annnotation is not filling all the window height ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12351)). - User with Reviewer Role is not able to see Documents assigned to him/her ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12354)). - Labels cannot be sorted in Label Sets through the UI ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12355)). ### Changed - Updated user flow for users with terminated subscription ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12192)). - Updated design and wording in the registration flow ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12266)). ## released-2024-02-22_06-47-40 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.45 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.26. ### Added - Custom System Messages for Maintenance Announcements ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12156)). - Providing a search for superuser documents ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12224)). ### Fixed - Some Marketplace Listing did load slowly ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12274)). - Error message when marking annotations as missing ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12263)). ### Changed - Include support for "thick client" when using Oracle as DB([Documentation](https://python-oracledb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide/appendix_b.html)). ## released-2024-02-15_21-37-11 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.44 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.26. ### Added - Add an "AI Model" filter to the "Smart View" Document Viewer & the API, so that annotators can compare the results of different AI Models more easily ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10739)). ### Fixed - Make it possible to set assignee to None via the API v3 ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12225)). - Fixed "Document could not be processed. min() arg is an empty sequence" error message for training Extraction AI ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12271)). - In the DVUI: the user should be able to complete the Review even though there is a Label Set without a Label ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12288)). ## released-2024-02-07_09-05-06 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.43 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.25. ### Added - Showing the number of pages per Document in the Document View ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10819)). - Billing: the user can enable/disable exceeding the page and rate limits. The page limit is a limit for the total amount of pages processed in a month. The rate limit is a limit for the total amount of pages processed per hour. Exceeding the limits adds additional costs ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12226)). - In the DVUI: Show the Label name when hovering over an Annotation in the DVUI ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11743)). - In the DVUI: added a search tooltip for the labels in the right navigation panel. Through the tooltip the user can directly search the Document with the label as a keyword ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12165)). - In the DVUI: search option in the Document Container for searching the Document for keywords ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12161)). - Users have to request access to the API. Users with permissions can grant API access. A notification email is sent upon token creation. ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12125)). ### Fixed - Training of Extraction AI failed ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12180)). - ValueError during Extraction, where an attempt to convert the string '1111..' to a float fails ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12198)). - Fixed issue with Categorization AI Training failing - changed default training parameters ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12244)). ## released-2024-01-10_13-24-43 ### Added - Allowing the creation of non-textual Annotations ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11751)). - Support Oracle DB for self-hosted Konfuzio server ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11429)). ### Fixed - Reduce time for deleting a project ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10794)). - Uploading broken PDFs ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11967)). - Wrong number of Categories for Categorization AIs ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11737)). - Soft Time Limit Exceeded error message for uploading large documents ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11539)). ## released-2023-12-06_18-32-50 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.42 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.21. ### Added - In the DVUI: annotations can be easily moved from one label set to another ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11731)). - Allow usage of transformers.AutoTokenizer in combination with BERT models for Categorization ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11814)). - In the Project settings: allow the user to choose the Document viewer for all Documents in the project. Possible values: SmartView, TextView and [Document Validation UI](https://dev.konfuzio.com/dvui/index.html). Default value: SmartView ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11296)). ### Fixed - Reduce loading time for opening marketplace listings ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11985)). - Switching between accounts: logging out the currently logged-in user when accepting an invitation for another account ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10523)). - Error appearing when changing the category for Documents with existing annotations ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11719)). - Inconsistency for the accuracy of Categorization AIs in the UI and the training logs ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11806)). - Unable to delete a Project: prompted to delete not existing Document ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12088)). - Solve document classification error for BERT-based text-only models ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11795)). ## released-2023-11-20_11-34-47 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.39 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.20. ### Added - Extraction quality per Document: each Document has an extraction score ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9242)). - Add a filter to the list of Documents to find Documents that need to be revised by humans. The Documents are filtered based on their extraction quality (e.g. see bottom 10% of documents based on the extraction quality) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9242)). - For Splitting AI: added a model that works solely with textual information ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12092)). - For self-hosted installations: introduce splitting documents based on blank pages. Consequent blank pages are grouped with consequent non-blank pages preceding them in one document ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12094)). ### Fixed - Decrease latency when loading the marketplace page ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11976)). - Correct visual problem with the ‘Quality Assurance failed’ filter. ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11294)). - Reduce processing time for Categorization ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11919)). - Reduce processing time for training Splitting AIs ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11896)). - Reduce processing time for training Categorization AIs ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11896)). - Multipage documents are displayed properly in the edit mode of the DVUI ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11902)). - Fixed ValueError for converting string to float ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12069)). - Fixed evaluation results for Splitting AI ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12000)). - Reduced time for extraction ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9488)). ### Changed - Async Workflows for Superusers: starting Superuser Workflows does not block the UI - further actions can be taken. ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12066)). - Extraction logs are added when an extraction throws an exception ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11652)). - UI changes to Accept, Decline & Reject action buttons in the DVUI for a cleara and intuitive understanding of what each action does ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10907)). - Increase the maximum PDF dimensions for uploading a file ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10859)). - Using 'cpu' as a device by default in Splitting AI ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12091)). - For documents splitted with the Splitting AI: the PDF has the content of the splitted file and not of the one used for the splitting ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11852)). ## released-2023-11-01_12-12-49 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.37 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.18. ### Fixed - Problem when creating a single annotation for a long text block. ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11753)). - Fixed unbound error: referencing local variable before assignment. ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11231)). - Fixed normalization problem for numbers with 4 signs after the decimal. ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/12008)). - Fixed error occurring when uploading a document. ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11995)). ### Updated Documentation - A refined [explanation of the concept of a 'bounding box' (bbox)](https://dev.konfuzio.com/sdk/explanations.html#bbox-concept), used to enclose or frame a specific region or area of an image where text is located. - An optimized [directory structure of the Konfuzio SDK](https://dev.konfuzio.com/sdk/explanations.html#directory-structure). - Clarification on the [position and significance of a 'bbox' character within the project framework](https://dev.konfuzio.com/sdk/get_started.html#documents). - A sophisticated [visual guide on employing the Splitting AI](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/splitting/index.html). An AI model, with which you can divide multi-page Documents into single-page Documents, so that you can extract data only from the pages that you need. ## released-2023-10-19_09-39-24 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.36 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.17. ### Added - [Automatically map extracted data to custom data](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/annotations/index.html#annotation-translated-string) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11799)). - [Allow Project Managers to enable mapping of extracted data to custom data. Manage custom data: add, edit or remove.](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/annotations/index.html#annotation-translated-string) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11799)) - [Custom data mapped on extracted data is shown in the DVUI](https://help.konfuzio.com/document-validation-ui/review-documents/additional-features/index.html#translate-annotation-text-into-custom-value) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11797)). - [In the DVUI there is a link to the details of the custom data mapped on extracted data](https://help.konfuzio.com/document-validation-ui/review-documents/additional-features/index.html#translate-annotation-text-into-custom-value) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11797)). ### Changed - Upgraded the base image from `python:3.8.18-slim-bullseye` to the more recent Debian version `python:3.8.18-slim-bookworm` for improving security: this version has a reduced number of known Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11726)). - Tesseract 5 is now used, instead of tesseract 4: enhances OCR capabilities and ensures you get the best text recognition experience ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9783)). ### Fixed - Error messages are properly shown in the language set for the server app ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11445)). - IntegrityErrors are not visible to the user, as expected ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11445)). - Annotations created by the user in the SmartView appear as accepted in the DVUI ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11882)). - When an Annotation is rejected/deleted from the SmartView, it also disappears from the DVUI ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11882)). - Coming-soon error on the Swagger API ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11964)). ## released-2023-10-04_18-41-03 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.35 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.16. ### Added - Add confidence level in Category dropdown of the Documents list for Documents that were split with Splitting AI ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11834)). - [Allow to include AIs into Snapshots](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/snapshots/index.html) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11208)). - [Allow to set fine-tuned permissions via SSO](https://dev.konfuzio.com/web/on_premises.html#sso-via-openid-connect-oidc) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11236)). ### Fixed - Fix Swagger API Definition for Document roataion ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11832)) ## released-2023-09-19_21-25-05 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.33 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.15. ### Fixed - The Document Callback in API V3 now uses the Document representation of API V3 ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11465)). ## released-2023-09-07_13-35-31 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.32 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.13. ### Added - [Saas Pro Users can take Snapshots of the Dataset of a Project](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/snapshots/index.html) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11105)) ### Changed - [Increased time limits for task](https://dev.konfuzio.com/web/explanations.html#background-processes) ## released-2023-08-28_18-13-01 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.29 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.12. ### Added - Redesign of the Project Detail Page ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9701)) - Show the Evaluation Log for AI trainings ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11759)) ### Changed - Deactivate "Unfilled Labels" on the Catefory detail page to improve page load performance ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11759)) ## released-2023-08-24_05-48-16 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.29 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.12. ### Added - [Allow to filter Documents in the API V3 by the data_file_name attribute](https://app.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/documents/documents_list) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11639)). ### Changed - Autoconfirm the Category of Document in case only one Category is available ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11295)) - Sent Plan limit reached email only once per day ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11000)) ### Fixed - Allow Superusers without a Project to access Flower, Usage, and Queue views ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11410)). - When using Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) the log level is now detected correctly ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11408)). - When creating a User via the Webinterface as Superuser not all Permissions habe been applied ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11689)). ## released-2023-08-10_21-33-41 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.28 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.11. ### Fixed - An issue that prevented non-standard compliant PDFs to be uploaded ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11651)). ## released-2023-08-07_13-49-58 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.28 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.11. ### Added - [Show the background tasks for each Document as a graph](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/documents/index.html#document-workflow) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11115)). ### Changed - [Update the Document Layout Analysis capabilities](https://dev.konfuzio.com/web/on_premises.html#document-layout-analysis) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11350)). ### Fixed - Correct a typo in file splitting notifications ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11506)). - Allow to open a link to a Document which does not belong to the currently selected Project ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11361)). ## released-2023-07-22_17-14-51 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.26 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.10. ### Added - [Show the navigation sidebar when using the DVUI](https://dev.konfuzio.com/dvui/index.html) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10879)). - [Show the User ID on the /api/v3/auth/me API endpint](https://app.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/auth) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11375)). ### Fixed - [The document postprocess endpoint now inclused the pages attribute](https://app.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/documents/documents_postprocess_create) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11419)). - [The status code documentation for the upload AI endpoints have been corrected](https://app.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/category-ais/category_ais_upload_create) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11427)). - [When using the FileSystemStorage on self-hosted installation, conflicting file name have not be resolved to a unique file name](https://dev.konfuzio.com/web/on_premises.html#blob-storage-settings) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11347)). ## released-2023-07-11_16-07-40 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.25 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.9. ### Fixed - The fallback to process corrupted PDFs was not working correctly ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11355)). - On https://app.konfuzio.com the trial period for new User was not set ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11403)). ## released-2023-07-10_06-37-03 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.24 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.9. ### Added - [When using the Categorization AI, it is now possible to choose between Image and Text AI Modules](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/projects/index.html#categorization-ai-parameters) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11279)). ### Changed - [Documents can be accessed via https://app.konfuzio.com/d/DOCUMENT_ID](https://dev.konfuzio.com/dvui/explanations.html#full-mode) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10772)). ### Fixed - In some cases Label Sets could not be deleted ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11007)). - The sorting by number of training and test Document on the Extraction AI list page ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11261)). - Documents could not be processed for specific OCR settings ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11344)). - When using the Sentence or Paragraph Tokenizer, the Training process did not complete ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11345)). ## released-2023-06-27_21-39-25 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.23 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.9. ### Changed - Improved capabilities of the Extraction AI ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11316)). ## released-2023-06-25_15-20-35 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.22 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.9. ### Fixed - In some cases AI trainings stopped with the status "Contact Support" ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11285)). ## released-2023-06-15_18-32-26 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.20 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.8. ### Changed - The Non-Strict Evaluation is now used for Extraction AIs by default ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11102)). - For self-hosted environments, the Konfuzio Server can now run for 24 hours without contact the License Server ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11152)). ### Fixed - Large TIFF files (> 100 Pages) can now be processed ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11050)). - Applying a filter on the Label List view now provides correct results ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11102)). - An error which prevented the manual rotation of a Page to work correctly ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11047)). ## released-2023-05-30_11-01-48 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.19 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.7. ### Added - [The Categorization AI can now again use text and image modules](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/categorization/index.html) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10283)). ### Fixed - Show the exact Page number in case a PDF has invalid dimensions ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11102)). - Subscription updates are now applied to previous created API Tokens ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11038)). - The Evaluation could not be displayed, if a Label in the training or test data did not have at least one Annotation ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11116)). - If a Document was created via API V3 and the "sync" option, not all extraction have been returned ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11169)). - If a Document was created via API V3, the default extraction URL was pointing to API V1 instead of API V3. ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10843)). ## released-2023-05-22_12-48-00 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.18 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.6. ### Fixed - Improved performance of the Annotations list webpage. ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11133)). - Improved performance of Document Search in the Smartview. ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11140)). ## released-2023-05-17_20-51-37 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.18 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.6. ### Fixed - Extraction AI could not be migrated because the Category was not associated automatically([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11048)). - Improved laoding time of the Extraction AI list ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11140)). ## released-2023-05-13_19-27-00 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.18 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.6. ### Added - Filters in the web interface can now be collapsed ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10288)). - [Additional configuration options for S3-Storages in self-hosted environments](https://dev.konfuzio.com/web/on_premises.html#aws-s3-use-ssl) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11078)). ### Changed - [On the Label Set page, show the Tokenizers only when the detection mode of the Category is "character"](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/tokenizers/index.html) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11027)). - The Document CSV Export is now limited 100 rows ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10949)). ### Fixed - Fixed the Bbox retrieval for blank Documents ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11090)). - Opening the Task Log of an ongoing AI training caused an Error ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10761)). - Failed Quality Assurance during AI training showed the wrong status ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10987)). - In rare cases some PDF files has been wrongly intendified as corrupted during upload ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11075)). - The Project exportwas not including the API name of Labels ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/11054)). ## released-2023-05-02_12-09-37 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.17 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.5. Please Note: If you upgrade from a version before 'released-2023-04-23_18-48-59' you must conduct the migration steps described in the release notes of released-2023-04-23_18-48-59. ### Added - [Allow to connect to Redis Sentinel for processing of Background Tasks by setting BROKER_MASTER_NAME and RESULT_BACKEND_MASTER_NAME](https://dev.konfuzio.com/web/on_premises.html#broker-master-name) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10911)). ### Changed - [The signup for new Users is restricted to corporate or organizational e-mails only](https://dev.konfuzio.com/web/on_premises.html#environment-variables-for-konfuzio-server) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10849)). ### Fixed - In some cases, Documents got stuck in a "Queing for.." status when restarting Konfuzio Server ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10967)). - In some cases, new Annotation could not be created ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10775)). - The deletion of a Project did not complete ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10794)). - When creating Annotations, Label Sets from other Categories have been suggested ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10919)). ## released-2023-04-23_18-48-59 This version uses the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.2.16 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version v.0.1.5. Important note: This release changes the internal format of saved AIs. Therefore, you need to migrate existing AIs, before updating to this Konfuzio Server version. Please run "python manage.py resave_all_with_cloudpickle" to do so. If this command is not available on your Konfuzio Server Installation, please upgrade to [released-2023-03-18_13-32-19](<[released-2023-03-18_13-32-19](https://dev.konfuzio.com/web/changelog_app.html#released-2023-03-18-13-32-19)>) first. In case you need help or experience an issue with the migration please contact is via https://konfuzio.com/support. This Konfuzio Server will not start if unmigrated AIs are present. Finally, the usual [update actions](https://dev.konfuzio.com/web/on_premises.html#a-upgrade-to-newer-konfuzio-version) need to be run. For more information on how to run a "manage.py" command, please refer to the [self-hosted guide](https://dev.konfuzio.com/web/on_premises.html#initial-login). ### Added - Calculate and access Tokenizers via the web interface ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9271)). - Sort Labels in Label-Sets to allow Users to customize the UI per Category ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/8932)). - Improved training time of Extraction AIs when using the word detection mode (reduced up to 50%) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9435)). ### Fixed - A bug when training with character detection mode, which was tokenizing some labels incorrectly, causing them to be skipped during extraction ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9666)) - A bug during the extraction post-processing steps, which was causing the first line items of each page to be skipped ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9561)) ## released-2023-03-18_13-32-19 This version uses Konfuzio AbstractExtractionAI in version v.0.3.23, the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.1.16 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version 0.1.3. ### Added - [Contract Managers can invite Users to join their subscription](https://app.konfuzio.com/admin/billing/contract/) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10583)). ### Fixed - AI-Guests can now re-categorize Document using the API ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10361)). ## released-2023-03-06_21-09-18 This version uses Konfuzio AbstractExtractionAI in version v.0.3.23, the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.1.16 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version 0.1.2. ### Added - [Add the overall processing time of a Document to the API V3](https://app.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/documents/documents_retrieve) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10660)). - [Allow AI-Guests to re-categorize Documents](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/members/index.html#detailed-permissions-of-available-roles) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10707)). - [Add the api_name attribute the the Label Set for the Document endpoint in API V3](https://app.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/documents/documents_retrieve) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10747)). - [Add access to the Contract Center to manage Subscriptions](https://konfuzio.com/price) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10583)). ## released-2023-02-17_14-27-57 This version uses Konfuzio AbstractExtractionAI in version v.0.3.23, the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.1.16 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version [0.1.1](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/konfuzio-capture-vue/releases/). ### Added - [Allow to add multiple Annotations and Annotation Sets in one API request](https://app.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/annotations/annotations_create) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10315)). - [Allow to edit multiple Documents at once](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/documents/index.html#bulk-edit) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/5898)). ### Fixed - When using Keycloak, logging out now also terminates the Keycloak session ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10361)). - Handle the upload of corrupted Documents with a proper error message ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10113) - When using an AI in a other Project then it was trained on, a potentiall conflict with existing Labels is now avoided ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10191)) ## released-2023-02-08_10-58-15 This version uses Konfuzio AbstractExtractionAI in version v.0.3.23, the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.1.16 and Konfuzio Capture Vue in version [0.1.1](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/konfuzio-capture-vue/releases/). ### Added - [For self-hosted installations, allow to upload customized AIs](https://app.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/extraction-ais/extraction_ais_upload_create) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9432)). - [Track if a User accepts a suggested Category in the DVUI](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/document-validation-ui) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9995)). - [Allow to change the Category of Documents wth existing Annotations](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/documents/index.html#category) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10564)). ### Fixed - Proper error handling in case a password is reset for an unregistered User ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10490)). - In-active Users do not longer receive email notifications ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10528)). - Links to specific Annotations (e.g. https://app.konfuzio.com/a/123456789) now accept trailing slashes ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10066)). ## released-2023-01-23_22-14-45 This version uses Konfuzio AbstractExtractionAI in version v.0.3.23, the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.1.16 and Konfuzio Capture Vue in version [0.1.0](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/konfuzio-capture-vue/releases/). ### Added - [Set the Limit of objects returned from the Document List endpoint in API V2 to 10 000](https://dev.konfuzio.com/web/api-v3.html#content-limits) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9975)). ### Changed ### Fixed - Proper error handling when a Page number is used in the API which does not exist ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10313)). ## released-2023-01-23_14-32-08 This version uses Konfuzio AbstractExtractionAI in version v.0.3.23, the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.1.16 and Konfuzio Capture Vue in version [0.1.0](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/konfuzio-capture-vue/releases/). ### Added - [Allow new Users to use to use Konfuzio SaaS Basic](https://konfuzio.com/de/preise/) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10489)). ### Changed - [Redirect https://app.konfuzio.com/api/ to stable API Version 3](https://app.konfuzio.com/api/) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9692)). - [Set the Limit of objects returned from the Document List in API V3 endpoint to 10 000](https://dev.konfuzio.com/web/api-v3.html#content-limits) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9975)). ## released-2023-01-15_19-35-28 This version uses Konfuzio AbstractExtractionAI in version v.0.3.23, the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.1.16 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version [0.1.0](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/document-validation-ui/releases/). ### Added - [The csv-export contains now the dataset-status of a Document](https://help.konfuzio.com/integrations/csv/index.html?highlight=csv) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9967)). ### Fixed - Restrict the maximum auto-deletion time of a Document to a maximum of 5 years ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10229)). - The ordering of Annotations Sets in the API V3 ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10197)). ## released-2022-12-22_11-03-21 This version uses Konfuzio AbstractExtractionAI in version v.0.3.21, the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.1.16 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version [0.0.11-pre-release-5](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/document-validation-ui/releases/). ### Fixed - Re-running the categorization now also re-runs the extraction ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10355)). ## released-2022-12-20_11-23-04 This version uses Konfuzio AbstractExtractionAI in version v.0.3.21, the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.1.16 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version [0.0.11-pre-release-5](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/document-validation-ui/releases/). ### Added - [The Document list for Superusers shows the AI loading time](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/superuserdocuments/index.html#time-and-timing) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9787)). - [Add the option to show a warning when a User edits a Document he is not assigned to](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/projects/index.html#wrong-editing-user-warnings) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9466)). ### Fixed - Show a message that informs a User if his account was deactivated ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10119)). - Failed login attemps have not been shown in the web interface ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9992)). - Missing German translation on the Member list page ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10306)). - Improve performance of Document List Endpoint in API V3 by excluding large Document attributes ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10248)). ## released-2022-12-05_19-18-47 This version uses Konfuzio AbstractExtractionAI in version v.0.3.21, the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.1.16 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version [0.0.11-pre-release-1](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/document-validation-ui/releases/). Please note: When you upgrade to this version (or a newer one) we recommend to run "python manage.py init_email_templates" as the email templates have been updated. This needs to be run after the usual update actions. ### Added - [Access Service Desk Tickets which have been created via https://konfuzio.com/support](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/servicedesk/index.html) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9923)). - [API v3 endpoint to bulk accept/decline annotations](https://app.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/documents/documents_update_annotations_partial_update) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9726)). - [API v3 Document endpoint can now be filtered by assignee](https://app.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/documents/documents_list) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10052)). - [Allow to configure a custom timeout for Document deletion Tasks in self-hosted environemnts](https://dev.konfuzio.com/web/on_premises.html#id7) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10044)). - [Add 'Reader' as new Role for Project Members](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/members/index.html#detailed-permissions-of-available-roles) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9868)). ### Changed - [Improved Swagger Documentation for API V3](https://app.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9554)). - [In the Label endpoint of API V3, rename "categories" to "label_sets"](https://testing.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/labels) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9972)). - [Detectron is now connected via API to uncouple its Python version and dependencies from Konfuzio Server](https://app.konfuzio.com/v2/swagger/#/projects/projects_docs_segmentation_retrieve) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9355)). - [The summarization functionality is now connected via API to uncouple its Python version and dependencies from Konfuzio Server](https://app.konfuzio.com/v2/swagger/#/projects/projects_docs_summarization_retrieve) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9347)). - [Limit the number of objects returned from the API](https://dev.konfuzio.com/web/api-v3.html#content-limits) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9975)). ### Fixed - In a very rare case text embeddings could not be extracted from Documents ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10045)). - The error handling for invalid PDF Documents ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9984)). - The notification email template for AI trainings was not considering errors in the training process ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9937)). - callback_url is now called if re-extraction is triggered on a Document (for example, when the Category changes) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9901)). - Fix an issue that prevented the full deletion of on line of text in multiline Annotations ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10049)). - Fix a missing placeholder in an email template ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10192)). - Improved loading time of the Category list view ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10088)). - The assignee filter for the Document List now requires Permissions to view the Members of a Project ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10154)). ## released-2022-11-16_12-13-49 ### Fixed - Speedup the Document List page for Superuser ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10036)). - The Annotation creation on empty areas in a Document is now possible ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/10049)). ## released-2022-11-11_13-19-29 This version uses Konfuzio AbstractExtractionAI in version v.0.3.21, the Konfuzio Python SDK in version v.0.1.16 and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version [0.0.10-pre-release-7](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/document-validation-ui/releases/). Please note: When you upgrade to this version (or a newer one) you need to run "python manage.py init_user_permissions". This needs to be run after the usual [update actions](https://dev.konfuzio.com/web/on_premises.html#a-upgrade-to-newer-konfuzio-version). ### Added - [Allow to invite Members with different Roles to Projects. Available Roles are "Reviewer" and "Manager". All existing Members keep their current Permissions and will become Managers.](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/members/index.html) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/7364)). - [Superusers can define custom Roles for Members: Inviting Users can select from those Roles when inviting new Members to a Project](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/superuserroles/index.html) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/7364)). - [Add the property 'has_multiple_top_candidates' to the Label API V3](https://app.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/labels) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9687)). - [Add the property 'has_multiple_annotation_sets' to the Label Set API V3](https://app.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/labels) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9687)). - [Save feedback that there are no Annotations for a Label/Label-Set combination in a document](http://localhost:8000/v3/swagger/#/documents/documents_missing_annotations_list) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9163)). - [Add the property 'number' to the Page API V3](https://app.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/documents) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9619)). - [Include the Label Set name in the API V3 even when no Label Set is present](https://app.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/documents) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9399)). - [API v3 endpoint to sort and split Pages into Documents with different categories contained in one file](https://testing.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/documents/documents_postprocess_create) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9452), [Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9727)). ### Changed - [When a user creates a new Project, this user will become the default assignee for new Documents](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/projects/index.html#default-assignee) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9705)). - [If a user rejects an Annotation, this user is tracked in the 'revised_by' attribute of the Annotation](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/annotations/index.html#declined) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9479)). - The annotations endpoint is now top-level instead of being under the document endpoint. ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9283)). ### Fixed - The numbering of Annotation Sets in the SmartView does not consider deleted Annotation Sets anymore ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9604)). - In some situations a Project could not be deleted via API ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9706)). - In specific scenarios, the deletion of the last remaining Annotation in a Document was not possible ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9736)). - The SmartView did not use rotated pages due to a caching problem ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9830)). - The arrow in the Project- and language selector was not clickable ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9714)). - On the Annotation list Page the Category filter was not showing all Annotations ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9732)). - Fix an issue where the Category- and Document API V3 endpoint did not include all relevant Label-Sets ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9816)). - Fix an issue that prevented specific SmartView messages to be dismissed ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9766)). - Fix an issue that prevented null values to be passed to the API v3 annotation creation endpoint ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9898)). ## released-2022-10-28_07-23-39 ### Added - [Allow on-premise users to customize timeouts of backgroud tasks](https://dev.konfuzio.com/web/on_premises.html#environment-variables-for-konfuzio-server) ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9812)). ### Fixed - Accepting an Annotation was overwritting already existing custom offset strings ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9830)). - In some cases an Extraction AI training was failing when detecton mode 'Character' was selected ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9935)). ## released-2022-09-21_12-00-31 This version uses Konfuzio AbstractExtractionAI in version v.0.3.22, the Konfuzio Python SDK in version [v.0.1.15](https://dev.konfuzio.com/sdk/changelog.html#v-0-1-15) and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version [0.0.8](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/document-validation-ui/releases/). ### Fixed - Prevent an issue where a popup window could not be closed when using the SmartView ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9766)). - Filtering for "feedback required" on Document overview ([Internal Ticket](https://git.konfuzio.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/9696)). ## released-2022-09-04_09-11-18 This version uses Konfuzio AbstractExtractionAI in version v.0.3.21, the Konfuzio Python SDK in version [v.0.1.15](https://dev.konfuzio.com/sdk/changelog.html#v-0-1-15) and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version [0.0.8](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/document-validation-ui/releases/). ### Added - [Auto-rotation for documents for all angles (until now only 90 degree angles have been supported).](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/projects/index.html#automatically-rotate-documents) - [Information about the embedded fonts of PDF documents.](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/documents/index.html#fonts) - [Superusers can inspect the logs of AI trainings and AI run.](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/superuserdocuments/index.html#extraction-log) - [Show minimum/medium/maximum loading time and runtime of AIs.](https://help.konfuzio.com/modules/extractions/index.html#loading-time-in-seconds) - [Improve Swagger API definition for bounding boxes (API V3).](https://testing.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/documents/documents_retrieve) - [Add threshold attribute to the Category endpoint (API V3).](https://testing.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/categories/categories_retrieve) - [Add the callback_url attribute to (API V3).](https://testing.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/documents/documents_create) - [Add /me Authentification endpoint (API V3).](https://app.konfuzio.com/v3/swagger/#/auth/auth_me_retrieve) ### Changed - Improve visibility of the left navigation bar. - [Create sandwich PDFs on demand (until now they have been created on document upload)](https://dev.konfuzio.com/web/on_premises.html#environment-variables-for-konfuzio-server). - Add content-type header ("Content-Type": "application/json") to the callback response. - [Update Power Query Excel Documentation](https://help.konfuzio.com/integrations/excel/index.html) with animated screencasts ### Fixed - Top annotation filter in the SmartView now considers unrevised annotations. - Fix an issue in which a Document cannot be processed because negative bounding boxes are detected. - Fix an issue which caused the processing time to be shown as negative. ## released-2022-07-28_15-55-29 This version uses Konfuzio AbstractExtractionAI in version v.0.3.21, the Konfuzio Python SDK in version [v.0.1.15](https://dev.konfuzio.com/sdk/changelog.html#v-0-1-15) and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version [0.0.6](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/document-validation-ui/releases/). ### Changed - Speed up runtime of Extraction AIs ### Fixed - Fix an issue which causes some Extraction AIs to crash on multipage documents. - Fix an issue that prevents the calculation of bounding boxes for small or slightly rotated characters. ## released-2022-07-25_21-20-48 ### Added - Allow to set a default assignee for uploaded documents - Allow to notify users via email when they get assigned to documents ### Fixed - Top annotation filter in the SmartView now takes accepted Annotations into account - Errors messages in case a document could not be processed are now displayed correctly ## released-2022-07-19_16-30-46 ### Changed - New Extraction AIs are saved in a more efficient way ## released-2022-07-05_19-35-21 This version uses Konfuzio AbstractExtractionAI in version v.0.3.15, the Konfuzio Python SDK in version [v.0.1.15](https://dev.konfuzio.com/sdk/changelog.html#v-0-1-15) and Konfuzio Document Validation UI in version [0.4.0](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/document-validation-ui/releases/). ### Added - Show the user who started an AI training on the detail page of an AI - Allow to set a time (in days) after which documents are automatically deleted - Allow to rotate pages via API - Add thumbnail images for document pages ### Changed - Links to deleted annotation will now redirect to the respective document ## released-2022-06-10_15-32-19 This version uses Konfuzio AbstractExtractionAI in version v.0.3.15 and the Konfuzio Python SDK in version [v.0.1.15](https://dev.konfuzio.com/sdk/changelog.html#v-0-1-15). ### Added - Option to enforce running OCR even if text embeddings are present - Improved error messages in case a document cannot be processed - Option to exclude email content when using the email-integration - Option to make document accessible via public link - Beta Version of APIV3 - Beta Version of new document dashboard (bases on [Konfuzio Document Validation UI](https://github.com/konfuzio-ai/document-validation-ui)) - Automatic rotation of pages (#8980) ### Changed - For on-premise Users, now the Postgresql 10 is the minimum version - Improved Extraction AI - On-Premise container run now as non-root and using read-only fileystem - Improved mouse pointer in the Smartview ### Fixed - An issue where empty Annotation Sets could appear on Documents - An issue where conflicting annotions could be created - An issue where negative annotations where not correctly being deleted (#9127) - Rare cases where OCR text included some characters mutiple times ## released-2022-04-27_14-23-38 ### Added - Add assignee attribute of a Document to the API ## released-2022-03-15_09-14-17 ### Changed - "Rerun extraction" via the user interface applies new annotations now also to training and test documents ## released-2022-02-11_23-12-26 ### Added - Add option to filter for related annotation sets ### Fixed - Sorting of annotation sets in the csv export - Document API endpoint returning declined annotations ## released-2022-01-18_11-08-24 ### Added - Added api_name to Label API ### Fixed - Link to documentation page - Missing translation on document list page - Evaluation did not complete for AIs with a large amount of training data ## released-2021-12-11_14-33-57 ### Added - For on-premise installations, the OCR method for new projects is choosen based on the available OCR solutions. - For on-premise installations, the project import considers now declined annotations - For on-premise installations, Superusers can see the Konfuzio Server version and how many pages and documents have been processed. ## released-2021-11-21_19-14-19 ### Added - Text summarization endpoint. - Categorization AI parameters in the Project view ### Fixed - An issue where the reload after uploading new documents does not happen ## released-2021-11-26_08-11-36 This version uses Konfuzio AbstractExtractionAI in version [v.0.3.0](https://dev.konfuzio.com/training/changelog.html). We recommend to use the Konfuzio Python SDK in version [0.1.15](https://dev.konfuzio.com/sdk/changelog.html#v-0-1-15) ### Added - "Sentence" option to the available detection modes ### Fixed - An error where an invalid date in the document text stoppped the training process ## released-2021-11-23_18-14-28 ### Fixed - E-mails without an attachment have not been processed. ## released-2021-11-16_23-02-22 ### Fixed - CSV export for [ProRis](https://www.inveos.com/proris-blue) by Inveos ## released-2021-11-05_09-55-10 ### Added - Allow deletion of characters of an annotation without excluding it from the training process ## released-2021-11-01_23-19-58 ### Added - An option to specify the category of a document when uploading it via API (and thereby skipping the categorization) ### Changed - The GET document API endpoint now returns the annotation displayed in the SmartView (instead of only showing the extraction AI results) ## released-2021-10-25_20-12-18 This version uses Konfuzio AbstractExtractionAI in version [2021-10-20_18-29-25](https://dev.konfuzio.com/training/changelog.html#id1). We recommend to use the Konfuzio Python SDK in version [0.1.10](https://dev.konfuzio.com/sdk/changelog.html#v-0-1-10) ### Added - CSV export compatible with [ProRis](https://www.inveos.com/proris-blue) by Inveos ## released-2021-10-16_13-20-12 ### Added - Improve detection of annotations which consist of multiple words - Date filtering for project documents API endpoint - Filtering of labels and label sets according to the category of a document (in the SmartView) ### Fixed - Selection of characters in SmartView incomplete when editing an annotation - Dark Mode setting of browser not compatible with Konfuzio Server - Some case where the document list was not reloaded automatically ## released-2021-10-07_11-42-29 ### Added - More advanced task priorities and improved worker ressource usage - Auto-reload of new uploaded documents ## released-2021-09-28_09-29-43 ### Fixed - Evaluation does not complete if no test documents are specified ## released-2021-09-24_13-53-32 ### Fixed - Incompleted evaluation - Formatting of the "Check your browser" page for logged out users. ## released-2021-09-16_12-25-23 ### Fixed - Adding of categories to existing label sets ## released-2021-09-08_16-01-46 ### Added - Migration scripts for user permissions and e-mail templates ## released-2021-09-07_12-24-26 ### Added - Support for SMTP e-Mail backends via environment variables ### Fixed - DOS protection prevents start of Konfuzio server ## released-2021-09-05_20-57-31 ### Added - Autosave for any change on the document list page - German language support - Finetuning of exctraction AIs via parameters - New fields AI quality and data quality - More detailed evaluation - Description Field for extraction AI, label sets, categorization AI, categories ### Changed - Rename project inviations to members - Rename the dataset status form "OCR Error" to "Excluded" - Start training per extraction AI - Get more insights via the document detail page ## released-2021-08-10_17-08-11 ### Changed - Deactive adoption of template settings according to AI model if not explicitly allowed. ## released-2021-08-10_11-19-33 ### Added - Maximum number of pages per document ### Fixed - Slow processing of extraction tasks - Evaluation when multiple annotations are present ## released-2021-07-28_18-53-12 ### Changed - Make word-based tokenizer the default for new projects ## released-2021-07-23_09-33-20 ### Fixed - Usage of word-base tokenizer - Duplicated hints ## released-2021-07-20_17-29-23 ### Fixed - Edited annotation were excluded from the training process ## released-2021-07-15_17-29-25 ### Added - Support to reuse label sets across categories ### Changed - Allow "rerun extraction" on test and training documents - Remove "project statistic csv export" as it is redundant to document csv export - Include evaluation for training data in the AI model evaluation report ### Fixed - Fixed a bug where the EXIF attribute orientation corrupted the bounding boxes images - "accept top annotations" does not update human created annotations ## released-2021-07-02_18-13-01 ### Changed - Rate limits for task system ## released-2021-06-29_22-14-33 ### Added - HTTP codes to API interface ### Fixed - Content type description for some API endpoints ## released-2021-06-22_22-45-48 ### Added - A experimental version of a training health report ## released-2021-06-20_15-14-31 ### Fixed - Failed retraninings for some projects - Increased disk usage due to an cache deletion issue - Filtering of project invotations according to currently selected project - Clarify return types in API documentation ## released-2021-05-26_20-16-02 ### Added - Show confidence for categorization results - Show evaluation of categorization Ai models - Track version (number of retrainings) for all Ai models - Track project and template origin of AiModel ## released-2021-05-24_13-42-45 ### Changed - Use business evaluation implementation from training package - Loading time for CSV export evaluation reduced by saving it in the database. ## released-2021-05-18_16-37-25 ### Added - Global project switcher - "Top candidates" filter in SmartView - "Change dataset" functionality in SmartView - Landing page in case the user has no projects (i.e. just registered) - Language switcher (not enabled yet) - Initial support for German translations (not enabled yet) ### Fixed - Label threshold is now limited from 0.0 to 1.0 ### Changed - New design for login/signup/reset password pages - Design improvements in the control panel and SmartView - New logo and favicon - API documentation has been improved with types and examples; is now based on OpenAPI 3 - Updated frontend dependencies and tooling ### Removed - `admin_importer`, `copy_extraction_as_annotation` and related functions have been removed ## released-2021-05-04_12-37-16 ### Fixed - Calculation of true negative when using multiple templates. ## released-2021-04-28_12-27-19 ### Added - Filter for top annotations in SmartView ### Changed - Dont allow training if there are no training documents ## released-2021-04-25_20-09-04 ### Added - Protect signup with captcha ### Fixed - Editing of annotation if there are already declined annotations. ## released-2021-04-19_22-32-19 ### Added - Add label creation endpoint - Token-based authentication for the API ## released-2021-04-03_09-46-56 ### Added - Show Django sidebar in Smartview and template view. ### Changed - Save extraction results in a more efficient way. - Show a warning if an annotation with a custom offset string is created - Shwo loading indicator in the smartview search ### Fixed - Default template dropdown sometimes disabled when creating a Template - Rare case where the document list could not be loaded ## released-2021-03-15_15-12-04 ### Added - Add option to accept all annotations. ## released-2021-03-07_21-32-41 ### Added - Option to retrain project categorization model - Improved OCR settings - System check page https://app.konfuzio.com/check/ ### Fixed - Typo in privacy policy - Confirmation message when deleting labels - Performance of csv export ### Changed - Delete old unrevised annotations when rerunning AiModel. ## released-2021-02-25_09-28-07 ### Added - Option to select tokenizer for training (ProjectAdmin) - Option to add training parameters (SuperuserProjectAdmin) ### Changed - Set a documents category_template on new documents if there is only one category_template available - Improved delete / accept performance of annotations ### Fixed - Count of annotations on the LabelAdmin ## released-2021-02-15_18-56-51 ### Changed - Show category template as empty when actual empty (instead of displaying the first available template) - Improved Smartview performance by changing entity loading ### Added - Project name added to SectionLabel in the AiModelAdmin - Assign user to documents ("Assignee"). Can be enabled in the ProjectSuperuserAdmin - Add status field to the AiModel ("Training", "Failed", "Done") - Dont allow new retraining if there is a training in progress AiModel. ## released-2021-02-13_18-18-52 ### Changed - Use annotation permalink in LabelAdmin ### Fixed - OCR Read API did not use text embeddings when available - Files with misssing fonts could not be processed - Creation of small annotations when accepting or declining ## released-2021-02-10_13-52-15 ### Added - Admin action for Microsoft Graph API / Planner API ### Fixed - SuperUserDocumentAdmin performance - OutOfMemory errors in the categorization ## released-2021-02-03_17-07-23 ### Added - Permalink for annotations - Add an additional routine to fix corrupted pds - Improved frontend error tracking ### Fixed - Validation when edting an annotation ### Changed - Renamed option 'priority_ocr' to 'priority_processing' - Allow rerun extraction for documents with revised annotations - Allow deletion default templates ## released-2021-01-26_18-07-11 ### Added - Add column 'category' to csv export ## released-2021-01-20_11-17-24 ### Added - Show selection bounding boxes for automtic created annotations ## released-2021-01-14_22-06-52 ### Added - Visual annotations: images and area can now be annotate ### Fixed - Loading time for Smartview ## released-2021-01-13_23-26-03 ### Fixed - Retraining now assigns AIModels to templates even if they was no before ### Added - Add Message when doing evaluation which tells the user if test set is empty. ## released-2021-01-12_21-13-48 ### Fixed - Google Analytics integration - Empty Textextraction for ParagraphExtractions ## released-2021-01-10_18-36-49 ### Fixed - Disable link formatting by sendgrid. ## released-2021-01-08_22-30-10 ### Fixed - Bbox calculation in ParagraphModel - Evaluation sometimes not running - Speedup annotation creating ## released-2021-01-05_11-53-22 ### Changed - Two column Annotation selection is now possible ### Added - ParagraphModel introduced in addition to the Extraction- & CategoryModels, this is set per project via the SuperUserDocumentAdmin. - Option to update the document document text, this is set per project via the SuperUserDocumentAdmin. - Document Segmentation API Endpoint ## released-2020-12-22_19-04-04 ### Changed - Email Template are now managed within the application. - Major improvement and refactor in the underlying training package. ### Fixed - Link to imprint on SignUp - Smartview when scrolling horizontally ## released-2020-12-16_20-17-30 ### Added - Search for Smartview ### Fixed - TemplateCreationForm does not allow to select parent template ## released-2020-12-16_09-44-30 ### Added - Searchbar for SuperuserProjectAdmin - Add link to flower (task monitoring) for superusers - Add support for GoogleTag Manager - Create Support Ticket for Retraining and Invitation of new Users ### Changed - Increase SoftTimeLimit for extraction (necessary for large documents >500 pages). ### Fixed - Fix bbox generation fox Paragraph Annotations - Fixed Evaluation not triggered for new AiModels ## released-2020-12-10_13-15-14 ### Added - Sentry error reporting for Javascript Frontend (i.e. Smartview) - Allow to add Project specific document CategorizationModel ### Changed - Document Search now considers filenames and shows links to Dashhboard, Labeling and Smartview - Allow deletion of Labels ### Fixed - Allow "None" as confidence for rule-base ExtractionModels ## released-2020-12-01_21-08-32 ### Added - Proof of Concept Microsoft Graph API connection (for logged in users): app.konfuzio.com/graph - Button to upload demo Documents - SuperuserProjectAdmin added (same like previous ProjectAdmin, however only accessible for Superusers only) - Google Analytics Tag for app.konfuzio.com ### Changed - Default permission Group "CanReadProject" replaced with "CanCreateReadUpdateProject". New users can now create new Projects. - Project Page for "normal" user does not show technical fields like "ocr" and "text_layout" anymore. - Dont show file endings like '.pkl' for AiModels ## released-2020-11-26_19-43-14 ### Fixed - Missing bbox attribute in Document API (prevents retraining via training package) - Running of proper ExtractionModel in Multi-Document-Template project - Loading time for the Document page (still room for improvements) ### Added - Slightly better Categorization model. ## released-2020-11-20_20-05-47 ### Added - A public registration page: https://app.konfuzio.com/accounts/signup - A Internal registration page to create users manually and faster: `https://app.konfuzio.com/register/` (you need to be logged in to see this page) - Users can invite new users to a project via "ProjectInvitations" - Password reset functionality ### Fixed - The Smartview is much faster - Improved creation of Templates and additional validation logic template inconsistencies. ### Changed - Save bbox and entity per page in order to improve performance ## released-2020-11-09_18-04-28 ### Added - Support for more than one default Template in a project - Categorization for multi Template projects - Links to related models in the Project, AIModel, Label and Template view - Internal user registration form, app.konfuzio.com/register ### Changed - AiModel belongs now to DefaultTemplates instead of project ## released-2020-10-27_10-37-15 ### Changed - Documents are now soft-deleted. There is a hard delete option in the SuperuserDocumentAdmin. - AiModel are made active automatically for matching DefaultTemplates if the AIMode is better than before. ## released-2020-10-21_08-53-42 ### Fixed - Loading time when updating a project. ## released-2020-10-19_22-46-49 ### Changed - Increase max allowed workflow time from 90 to 180 seconds. ### Fixed - sucess messages for 'rerun_workflow' admin action - loading time of AiModel - csv export ### Added - add hocr fied to document api. - add a project option to hide the Smartview and Labeling tool. ## released-2020-10-14_11-39-17 ### Changed - AIModel can be uploaded and evaluted before setting active for a project ## released-2020-10-13_15-10-22 ### Added - Multilanguage Support (DE/EN) in the backend (actuall translation are not included yet) ### Changed - 'create_labels_and_templates' is now a project option (false by default). - Gunicorn workers restart after 500 requests. - Flower dashboard is running in separated container now ### Fixed - Fix upload_ai_model to upload files larger than 2GB - Loading speed for SequenceAnnotation Admin ## released-2020-10-03_15-18-47 ### Fixed - Recover tasks in case celery worker crashes ## released-2020-10-01_12-02-37 ### Fixed - Internet Explorer warning badge - 'Not machine-readable' was not detecting 0 as proper value for normalization. ### Changed - Remove extraction count from AiModel admin. - Refactor annotation accept/delete buttons to separate components and SVG ## released-2020-09-16_18-19-53 ### Added - Additional normalization formats - Sentry message if retraining is triggered. - Detectron (fully imlemented) and preparation for visual classification results in SuperUserDocumetAdmin ### Changed - Dont raise sentry error if document got deleted during workflow ### Fixed - Creation of Templates [- Calculation of width and height dimension when creating sandwich pdf and when using azure](https://gitlab.com/konfuzio/training/-/blob/master/src/konfuzio/image.py#L78) ## released-2020-09-11_13-47-51 ### Added - Add sentry message if project retraining is triggered. - Fix cpu minute calculation. ## released-2020-09-09_16-12-44 ### Added - [Forbid Removing Labels from Temapltes (which still have Annotations)](https://gitlab.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/1629) ### Changed - Allow extractions which does not have an accuracy. - On the dashboard: Dont show section.position column if all extractions have the same. Dont show accuracy column if all extraction does not have one. - Dont show retraining webhook url (on the project detail page). Display is with \*\*\*\* like it is password. ## released-2020-09-08_22-38-19 ### Added - Per-project measuring of cpu time. - Additional date-formats for normalization. - First draft of boolean-formats for normalization. ## released-2020-09-08_09-17-00 ### Added - Document Filter added for 'human feedback required' and '100% machine readable. - Additional normalization formats for numbers. - [Document Categorization Classifier](https://gitlab.com/konfuzio/meta-clf) added to DocumentSuperUserAdmin ### Changed - For the document view and Smartview, rename 'possibly incorrect' to 'not machine-readable' - For the document view and Smartview, rename 'pending review' to 'require feedback' - For the document view, divide column NOTES into FEEDBACK REQUIRED and NOT MACHINE-READABLE ### Fixed - Dont raise an error if ai_model predict section with a template that does not exist. ## released-2020-09-07_17-48-22 ### Fixed - Filter for 'possibly incorrect' shows wrong number. - [Missing username in top right corner.](https://gitlab.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/2431) - [TypeError when running extract() on a document](https://gitlab.com/konfuzio/objectives/-/issues/2428). - Sorting in csv is now correctly ordered by document_id and template position.